The Creative Learning Trust
Donate to the work of the CLT

Donating to the CLT

Cash and bank cheques

Cash, bank and building society cheques should be made payable to ‘CLT’ and mailed to:

Dr. David R. White, CLT, 24 Cherry Walk, HAYES, Bromley, Kent, BR2 7LT.

Donations may also be sent from Charities Aid Foundation and Stewardship accounts.

Standing order and direct debit

Regular donations through a standing order or direct debit (monthly, quarterly or yearly) can greatly enhance our work. Knowing that definite amounts of money will be available during the year enables us to plan future work more effectively.

Internet banking

You may donate to the CLT via Internet banking

Account Name: The Creative Learning Trust (CLT)

Account No: 03444860

Sort Code: 77-70-48


IBAN: GB18 TSBS 7770 4803 4448 60

Gift Aid

Gift Aid It!

If personal donors pay UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax, the CLT may be able to reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 donated. If it is eligible, please sent a completed Gift Aid Declaration to the address at the top of the screen.

The Gift Aid Declaration can be downloaded HERE

The CLT will not be able to reclaim Gift Aid tax for donations from Charities Aid Foundation and Stewardship accounts.

The Creative Learning Trust continues the educational work of The Clinical Science Foundation, established at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in 1990 and The Clinical Science & Education Foundation established in 2001. Registered Charity No. 1171949 (Charitable Incorporated Organisation). © The Creative Learning Trust 2019 - 2020